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Boroughs of the Dead

Average Review
  (1 review)
Scare Factor
A little Scary
Appropriate For
Children Ages 13 and Above
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Trails, Ghost Tours
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Wheelchair Accessible, Outdoor Event(s), Touching Not Allowed, Free Parking
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Boroughs of the Dead is a unique tour company devoted to strange, dark, and unusual walking tours of New York City.

Take a tour with the city’s best-reviewed dark and ghostly walking tour company. We’re the only ghost tour company in New York City with a Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence, and the only one to offer haunted and ghostly walking tours in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens!

Our expert guides are devoted to the craft of macabre storytelling and historical accuracy in equal measure. As for the name, it comes from the nickname for the borough of Queens (because it has so many cemeteries). But one can look at the entire city as a place where the dead outnumber the living, where uncanny tales cannot be explained, and where things go bump all night long… these are the Boroughs of the Dead…

Hours of Operation: Haunted Brooklyn Heights: 7 pm (Oct 12, 18, 25, 27) West Village Ghosts: 7:30 pm (Sep 6, 21, 27 & Oct 10, 18, 24, 27 & Nov 2) Ghosts of the Seaport: 7 pm (Oct 5, 11, 20, 26)

Admission Costs: Haunted Brooklyn Heights: $35 Ages 13 + West Village Ghosts: $35 Ages 13 + Ghosts of the Seaport: $35 Ages 13 +
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Boroughs of the Dead

Recent Reviews

  • Email Verified Their tours are fabulous

    I've done many of them, not just at Halloween time. They're informative and fun. The guides really know what their talking about and haven't simply memorized script. Highly recommended.

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted September 2021

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